Wallpaper Design
Year: 2023
Client: Personal project
Country: Pittsburgh, United States

In this project I wanted to put into practice and learn a bit more about Illustrator's "Blend" tool. A very powerful tool with an infinite number of possibilities, with which you can create an endless number of stunning three-dimensional graphics.
The blend tool is one of the most important tools in Adobe Illustrator, the blend modes are used to determine how two layers are blended together. It is used to make effects of various shapes and lines using colors, paths or distance, the blend tool blends two elements easily and effectively, and the user can blend open paths that make a flawless entry between the elements or use the blend tool for compiling a section of evenly spread colors and at any point the designer uses the blend, the things that are blended are seen as a single element and can be altered later as per the requirement.